Robin Deal is the Product Leader for the Aquapure line at Hubbard-Hall.

Deal has been with Hubbard-Hall since 2014, where she assists customers in troubleshooting their wastewater systems to establish the best treatment possible for their needs.

How did you get your start in the finishing industry?

I started as a packer at a hand tool manufacturer. I packed the tool kits. One day I saw they had posted a job for a wastewater operator, so I took a chance and signed for it. I was the first female wastewater operator at that facility. I fell in love with wastewater treatment. 10 years later, and I still love my job.

What do you enjoy best about the industry?

robindeal 3How close-knit our community is. Everyone knows everyone. There is always a hand reaching out, ready to help anyone who needs it. There is so much room for everyone to grow, and there is always someone ready to help a person reach their goals within their fields. 

If money was no object, what would you do all day?

Drink coffee and read. But eventually, that would get boring. I would travel. I would volunteer more time to organizations that give back to communities. I am not one to sit still for long.

If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?

For me, this is a trick question. I love history and think there is so much we can learn from our ancestors. However, I wouldn’t want to go back to any time period. I would want to go forward. I want my flying self-driving vehicle! I want the world of Start Trek! I want to see how far humans can go and what we can become. Take me to 2121, so I can see where we go in 100 years.

How would your friends describe you?

Giving, caring, loving, understanding, compassionate. I never forget where I came from, so I never judge a person for where they are. I try my best to live up to my friends' views of me. 

What are your hobbies?

robindeal 2I read, cook, garden, and I am crocheting again. My hobbies change as I get bored with them. I paint at times, and I write at others. I fish. I think I should always be learning something new, so maybe that is my base hobby. I am learning new things.

What is the best gift you have been given?

A second chance. At one point in my late teens, I was addicted to drugs. I attempted suicide. I am forever thankful to a truck driver who picked up a 19-year-old girl who was strung out and walking the medium at 1 a.m. on a cold February night. He saved my life. Without that second chance, I would not be here. I am always trying to show that I deserve that second chance.

Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

Music. I am always playing music. If I am not listening to it, I am singing in my very off-key, tone-deaf voice. I love music.

Two pet peeves.

People who refuse to grow and learn. And people who flick their cigarette butts out car windows.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

Surrounded by family, educating the next generation of wastewater operators, and loving the grandmother life. My first grandchild is due in December. Hopefully, being the go-to person in our industry to call when there is a wastewater challenge at a company.

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?

Superpowers are awesome. I am a huge X-Men fan. I always wanted the ability to control the weather like Storm could.

What would you do if you won the lottery?

I have always wanted to go to the Sahara and cross it on a caravan. I would do that. 

If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?

robindeal 7I think this is an unfair question. Our lives are built from our history. If we change one thing, we change our present. If I didn’t accept help at 19, would my kids be here? Would I have a career I am passionate about? If I went outside of my life, changed a major historical event, would I be here today? Would we have the life we have now? I would ask if there was one thing from history you would want to ensure never repeated again, what would that be? I would say then I never want to see slavery happen again. That I would hope as a species, we understand no one should ever think they have the right to own another person.

Would you rather trade intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?

Can’t we have both? 

What's your favorite holiday?

Is this a trick question? Do people have favorites? I mean, aren’t all holidays the best? If I had to pick one, it would be my birthday.

What's the most daring thing you've ever done?

I walked away from a life that was killing me and never went back. It was the bravest, scariest thing I have ever done. It was a first step to stepping into a world with endless possibilities. It was the first step to becoming the person I am today. There is never a day that I don’t think about drugs, but there has also not been a day in 26 years that I have used again. To many, that would not sound that daring, but to me, it is amazing.

What was the last thing you watched on TV?

I had the original Addams Family playing yesterday while I set out Halloween decorations.

What was the last book you read?

I am an avid reader and have 2-3 books open at all times. I am currently reading a series now called The Wandering Inn by Pirateaba. The story is about a 20-year-old woman who goes to the bathroom only to find herself in a dragon’s lair. She finds herself in a world where everyone takes classes and levels as if they were in a video game or playing Dungeons and Dragons. 

What's your favorite type of foreign food?

Thai. I am a sucker for Pad Thai and Tom Yum. I also love sushi

Are you a clean or messy person?

I fall somewhere in the middle. I hate dusting, but I cannot stand things out of order.

Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

Julia Roberts. She is an all-time favorite of mine. A second choice would be Sandra Bullock

What's your favorite fast-food chain?

McDonald’s. It's my go-to drive-through when I am on the road.

What's your favorite family recipe?

While I do not personally like macaroni and cheese — don’t get mad — my kids love me to make it from scratch. So, I do for them.

What's your favorite family tradition?

Thanksgiving Dinner. We open our home to everyone. We deep fry turkeys, smoked pork, and chicken, have massive amounts of food and never turn anyone away. People start showing up around 10. We play games, talk, laugh, eat, and basically just give thanks that we have made it through another year.

What is your favorite childhood memory?

The first time I rode a horse. It was at a 4th of July celebration. They were giving free rides around the track. I rode a black gelding named Shadow. Like so many young girls, I developed a passion for horses from the minute they put me on his back.

What's your favorite movie?

It depends on which genre you are talking about and what mood I am in. I love sci-fi horror. Pitch Black is my favorite in that context. I love rom-coms. In that area, Hope Floats is one. I am also a classic horror movie fan, so White Zombie is a favorite this time of year. I get asked by my kids all the time, “Is that one of those 1900’s movies you are watching again?”